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Purpose of the Holy month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the Islamic lunar calendar’s ninth month. During this holy month, Muslims from all around the world fast during daylight hours. A faster abstains from eating, drinking, and engaging in sinful behaviour. The month begins with the appearance of the crescent moon and lasts 29 or 30 days. Fasting, according to Islam, is not just about being hungry all day, but also about learning self-control, patience, sacrifice, Taqwa, and spiritual and mental cleansing

Purification of Faith on Allah

Fasting is Islam’s fifth pillar. Thus, fasting for the sake of Allah purifies Iman, and as a Muslim, it is your responsibility.

Redeveloping Connection with Allah.

Ramadan allows you to reconnect with Allah through fasting, praying, and abstaining from negative behaviour for the sake of Allah. Throughout this month, people focus less on materialistic possessions and more on Allah.

Rebuilding Character

Avoid backbiting, rage, and bad thoughts while fasting. Hence, throughout Ramadan, you have the opportunity to transform the negative components of your personality into positive ones’. It might be a training phase for character rebuilding.

Learn Self Control

Fasting teaches self-control since you prevent eating and drinking while you have a variety of food items in front of you. Yet you say no without hesitation. Not only does it educate you about food, but it also teaches you about mental and physical control. Likewise with Fast, you must keep your mind and thoughts clean.

Brotherhood, Charity and Sacrifice

Fasting allows you to experience the sorrow of those in need and those who do not have Allah’s blessings. Because Ramadan isn’t complete unless you serve others. Everyone attempts to support their needy brother so that they can experience the joy of ‘Eid.

Purification of Mind and Soul

Except for self-defense, Ramadan forbids immoral activities such as backbiting, insulting others, and fighting. Everyone can embrace fasting to strengthen his relationship with Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH), as well as to cleanse his soul of negative ideas by eliminating the negative components of his personality. Hence, once you find Ramadan, devote it according to the teachings of the Quran and Hadith to gain Allah’s Will.

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