FHM Pakistan


Social media in general is not a problem however, excessive use of it could result in unhealthy habits. Let’s break down some pros and cons of Social Media in todays day and age.


  • Reality vs Online: social media tends to promote unrealistic standards and situations that are far from the reality. It’s leads one into over thinking and mental health issues.  
  • Cyber Crime/Bullying: social media gives a free pass to bullying one another without facing any consequences. 
  • Self Image: Social media makes people seek for others validation when comes to physical appearances which becomes unhealthy in the long run . 
  • Addictive: you often miss out on activities and gathering because you’re unable to let go of your devices or find a balance.  
  • Often gives unreliable i formation that misleads into false reality 


  • Allows you to stay connected with friends and family no matter what part of the world they’re in 
  • Saves time: whether that’s shopping, banking, business 
  • Allows quick access to the most recent news and updates 
  • Could use for online learning without necessarily having to pay for it 
  • Makes finding job easier as there are more job and employment opportunities available! 

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