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Play your part- Justice delayed is Justice denied!

This is a very well-known legal maxim which is truly implied on all the recent cases occurring in Pakistan. Even when evidences are present, justice is delayed and parties suffer more. If no verdict is passed against the criminal than others will feel bold and would feel they can commit crimes and get away with it.

This phrase has become so common and people view legal reformers, courts and governments dead today. Victim is always treated so unfairly and legal issues are prolonged for no particular reason. This is because of corruption or other complexities. Often this is true when the party in question also has political favor.

Everyday a new hashtag, a new name appears on our feed and plastered all over the newspapers. Every day we see hundreds of cases and we have witnessed the accused being free and living a normal life. What do you think is happening? This is all a big stain on the name of Aurat March and women’s rights. Islam granted rights to women long time ago and we have messed up the entire system. When we see multiple cases the only question we ask ourselves is “where is justice?”

Raping a women, a dead woman and now a goat? Why kind of a monstrous pathetic society are we living in? How sexually frustrated has everyone become? When will all of this stop? Women are paranoid, they have trust issues.

The mere slogan “not all men” has stirred so much debate. We can’t define men simply by their looks. We don’t know which to trust. Women aren’t safe at their homes, workplace, public, schools even shopping centers. They aren’t safe anymore around their partners too. How can you kill a mother, a wife especially someone’s daughter? How can you butcher someone if they refuse your proposal or like someone else? How can you even lay a finger on them? Who has given you the right?

If this country’s judicial system fails what’s left? Already it’s so complex and deals with multiple departments. There are so many pending hearings and dates for case proceedings which furthers the problem. It is because there are less people in work.  We need to look at the loopholes, understand the problems and create solutions.

How many more little girls will be raped and harassed on their way to school or playground? How many more women will be butchered for refusing marriage proposals and standing up for themselves? How many more will be discouraged and silenced from filing a case against the criminals? How many more forced marriages, honor killings and acid attacks?

Time is up! This needs to stop. We owe it to our ancestors and to those women who fought for our rights. Femicide needs to stop! It’s maddening. We can’t step outside our house freely without looking over our shoulder constantly. We can’t stop being paranoid. The problem is not the clothing or the place it’s the male gaze. If males are “robots” and can’t control their inner animal then they should stay at home. Why shouldn’t we change the narrative “men will be men”, “don’t cry like a girl” and “boys don’t cry?”

We should teach our boys to be respectful, they need to become feminists and our nation will thrive if we achieve an egalitarian society. Let’s have a special agency working towards protection of women. Let’s train and empower more women to join forces and be on the roads patrolling and taking care of the daughters of this nation. Today it can be your neighbor’s daughter, tomorrow they can lay hands on yours. The question remains “will you then go to court and follow all the legal proceedings, knowing your case will be delayed? Knowing they’ll keep dates after dates and prolong the case?” One doesn’t get time to grief and feel the pain. Practically a girl’s life ends. She is so traumatized that to live doesn’t make sense.

Play your part, act now. Stop if you see abusive behavior. Education starts from home. Teach your staff how to behave and if they can’t – God willing send them to rehabs so they act like humans.


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