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Parey Hut Love: Sheheryar Munawar and Maya Ali get their own solo posters

Asim Raza’s upcoming rom-com Paray Hut Love stars Sheheryar Munawar and Maya Ali in the lead roles and both the stars just got some colourful posters!

All we know is that it’s a “lighthearted love story with a lot of subliminal layers”. The details have been kept under wraps so we hardly know anything else about the film.

Now that the filmmakers have released separate posters of Sheheryar Munawar and Maya Ali, we think we’ve figured a thing or two about their characters.

Maya Ali is sporting a gorgeous wedding jora with heavy jewellery, laughing away as she puts on headphones. From the looks of it we’re guessing her character Saniya has some association with music and she does gigs at desi weddings.


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Presenting to all of you, Saniya who is extremely close to my heart… I have felt and experienced every single emotion while playing this character and it’s a character that will stay with me forever…???????? Watch out for the trailer on *Friday 21st June 2019* A Film by #AsimRaza #SheheryarMunawar #MayaAli #AhmedAliButt #ZaraNoorAbbas #MahiraKhan #ARYFilms #TheVisionFactoryFilms #TVFFilms #MadeInpakistan #PHL#B4U #ARYDigital #ARYNews In cinemas on #EidulAzha 2019. @pareyhutloveofficial @asimrazatvf @sheheryarmunawar @official_mayaali @ahmedalibutt @zaranoorabbas.official @mahirakhan @hina_dilpazeer @rachelavanviccaji @salman_ary @jerjeesseja @1rfanmalik @faheemazam @munawarsiddiqui @friehaaltaf @yousufbashirqureshi @parishehjamesofficial @itsjimmykhan @shahbazshigri @umarsayeedcoutureofficial @ismailfaridpk @adnanansariofficial @rashid_gill @rashidsaloon @nigahjee @allurebymht @hina.farooqui @haanisharique @saqibhayatr @aarij_1 @shaan.sheikh33 @shehrazade_s @salmansirhindi @iambilalsagar @setactinstapage @faisalhussain @rehanullahkhan @owaisqamar @shaibanhaq1 @mehrunisaazhar @thevisionfactoryfilms @thevisionfactory @salmanrazzaq @serkansg @nadeemnawaz @azaanskhn @zillestudio_kukisphotography @shaikhdanial @beoneshopone @aryfilmsofficial

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Sheheryar Munawar, playing Sheheryar, just looks adorably love struck in his solo poster.


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Presenting our favourite @sheheryarmunawar as Sheheryar as seen never before…???? Watch out for the trailer on *Friday 21st June 2019* A Film by #AsimRaza #SheheryarMunawar #MayaAli #AhmedAliButt #ZaraNoorAbbas #MahiraKhan #ARYFilms #TheVisionFactoryFilms #TVFFilms #MadeInpakistan #PHL#B4U #ARYDigital #ARYNews In cinemas on #EidulAzha 2019. @pareyhutloveofficial @asimrazatvf @sheheryarmunawar @official_mayaali @ahmedalibutt @zaranoorabbas.official @mahirakhan @hina_dilpazeer @rachelavanviccaji @salman_ary @jerjeesseja @1rfanmalik @faheemazam @munawarsiddiqui @friehaaltaf @yousufbashirqureshi @parishehjamesofficial @itsjimmykhan @shahbazshigri @umarsayeedcoutureofficial @ismailfaridpk @adnanansariofficial @rashid_gill @rashidsaloon @nigahjee @allurebymht @hina.farooqui @haanisharique @saqibhayatr @aarij_1 @shaan.sheikh33 @shehrazade_s @salmansirhindi @iambilalsagar @setactinstapage @faisalhussain @rehanullahkhan @owaisqamar @shaibanhaq1 @mehrunisaazhar @thevisionfactoryfilms @thevisionfactory @salmanrazzaq @serkansg @nadeemnawaz @azaanskhn @zillestudio_kukisphotography @shaikhdanial @beoneshopone @aryfilmsofficial

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The star-studded movie has it’s trailer launching on Friday 21st June and we can’t wait to see it!

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