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Pakistani’s better than Indians? Says who!

Waqar Zaka offered the King of Bollywood; Shah Rukh Khan to come settle in Pakistan after the whole Aryan Khan case going on which he later on again offered another Bollywood star; Anushkha and Cricketer; Virat Kohli to also come settle in Pakistan after the parents were threatened to rape their 10 months old daughter in India.
It came to knowledge that the Indians blamed Pakistanis for disguising in a fake Twitter account who passed on the rape threat to the famous couple but it was later on proved after proper investigation that the user was not Pakistani but however an Indian.
After this all, Waqar Zaka came forward with his invite and showcased as if Pakistani’s are any better says the Twitter users in reply to Zaka’s tweet.

Um so, Indians or Pakistanis? No no, we aren’t asking you to choose, we’re just sayinggg 🙂

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