FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

Pakistani cinema to face ban during Ramazan

After the much talked about approved bill, restricting the intake of food items and smoking in the month of Ramazan, the Religious Minister has recommended the closure of Pakistani cinemas throughout the country.

Earlier, the committee recommended that all cinemas shall remain closed for a total of six hours; three hours early in the morning and three hours after Iftar during Ramazan. Pir Amin Ul Hasnat Shah, the Minister of State for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony, has suggested that cinemas should remain closed at all hours during the month of Ramazan in Pakistan.

Moreover, TV channels have also been cautioned alongside cinema houses who will be fined Rs. 50,000/- or more, if found violating the Ehtram-e-Ramazan Bill.



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