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In an ongoing interview, Vin Diesel couldn’t stop flirting with this Brazilian reporter

Brazilian interviewer Carol Moreira was just trying to do her job when Vin Diesel took an interview as an opportunity to hit on her and she was visibly uncomfortable by the actor’s incessant flirting.

“My God, she’s so beautiful, man. Am I right or wrong? Look at her,” says Diesel, presumably to the crew and not the actual human he was supposed to be having a conversation with;

“How am I supposed to do this interview? Look at this woman. She’s so beautiful. Talk to me, baby!”

She somehow gets him back on track for a while but then Diesel drives the conversation off track again and gets all cheesy;

“She’s so fucking sexy. I can’t do this interview.”

The brazilian reporter laughs uncomfortably while Diesel actually gets on his knees and crawls towards her.

Moreira remained professional despite being visibly uncomfortable, addressed the interview in an introduction to her video.

Watch the video below:


“He began to hit on me in the middle of the interview, say that I was pretty, and he interrupted the interview three times to talk about it. I was laughing, completely uncomfortable,” she said in Portuguese.

According to a translation from the New York Daily News, “I did not like it. At the time I did not know how to react, but you will see that I was uncomfortable, it was not nice that he interrupted my work,” she added.


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