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Oily Hair? Not a problem now….

Oily hair looks neglected and is considered a blemish on a person’s looks. Actually it is nothing more than the result of a natural process. Hair roots come with sebaceous glands, which secrete an oily substance called sebum. In fact, this sebum benefits the hair. Sebum keeps the hair healthy and smooth and it keeps the hair from excessive drying and from breaking. The causes for an excessive sebum production are heredity, unhealthy eating habits, medications or improper hair care. The sebum production may also vary with the change of seasons, climate changes or hormone fluctuations.

Greasy hair fix: Wash your hair often

  • Use shampoos with a translucent appearance and avoid creamy shampoos.
  • Every now and then, you should remove excessive oil (sebum) from your hair and scalp using a healing earth cure package. You can purchase healing earth in drug and chemists’ stores. Healing earth absorbs and binds large amounts of oily substances and is therefore an ideal product for oily hair.
  • Wash your hair early in the day. Sebaceous glands work particularly hard at night.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Most people do not get enough of daily liquid. Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin and your scalp moisturized from the inside and to stay healthy. Remember: a dry scalp tends to produce more oil.

Eat your veggies. A balanced diet with lots of vegetables and whole grains will give you all the vitamins and minerals that you need for your body to work and look perfect.

Be gentle

When shampooing, concentrate on scrubbing the scalp but not too hard. Scrub moderately, enough to rub in the soap, but not so hard that you are irritating your scalp. The irritation can overstimulate your glands and cause them to make more sebum. Rinse thoroughly before getting out of the shower. Leftover shampoo or conditioner can create a film on your hair, making it feel greasy.

 Condition carefully

Conditioner helps add moisture back into your hair as well as keep it from getting tangled. Your ends may need a little extra love, but your scalp does not need help getting greasy. Dont apply the conditioner to your scalp, massage it into your ends instead.

Hands off

Try not to brush or touch your hair more than needed. Brushing frequently can stimulate your glands to make more sebum. Handling your hair can not only help more sebum move down the follicles, it can add oils from your hands to the hair.

 Go dry

If you’re looking to buy a little extra time between washes, a dry shampoo or oil absorbing powder may help. These products are made to absorb extra oils and add extra volume.

Avoid products adding moisture

If your hair is already making extra oils, using an oil based styling product is not the best idea. Use a hair spray or mousse to style without weighing hair down or adding more grease.

Apart from all these tips, dry shampoo has always been my best friend when going to any event direct from work and when all you feel are those oily hair. :X

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