FHM Pakistan

Normalise Friends Growing Apart 

Ending any kind of a relationship does not come easy, in fact it’s very difficult due to the involvement of emotions. But as we get older, we outgrow things, whether it be work, studies, family or sometimes friends. 

We have friendships because we enjoy the company of that person, we enjoy spending time together and are always there for each other.

As you get older your free time gets compromised (as it should) and some friends do not understand that. They don’t understand how your interests change growing up, how you can develop passion into new things, instead of supporting you they often get offended and complain to you for not being able to spend as much time as you used to. 

It’s perfectly fine to accept that a friendship no longer serves purpose in your life anymore and walk away. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, it could be mutual and mature, it also doesn’t mean that you’ll never see the person again, you would but within different boundaries and dynamic! And that’s healthy ! 

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