FHM Pakistan

A Night Of Kindness, Generosity and Bouts!

Keri Russell said it right, sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. That very moment when Amir King Khan saw those videos of the miserable children in Thar, he decided to change their lives by providing them with one of the basic necessity – water through Amir Khan Foundation. With a desire and motivation in his heart, he came to Pakistan along with his entourage to make an appeal to help Amir Khan Foundation to build water wells to help and save the dying children of Thar.

The series of events started off with a Meet & Greet Session with his fans on Tuesday at Dolmen Mall Clifton. This man is really down to earth when it comes to make public appearances, hence Mr. Khan with his team of international boxers came down to the mall for a meet and greet session with his fans and to speak about the cause and the big fight night. The moment he entered the ring, crowd cheered, applauded and couldn’t stop chanting ‘Amir Khan, Amir Khan’. I must say that’s the kind of success and fame one should aim for.

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An official press conference was orgainzed for the electronic and print media regarding fight night and the fundraising, where Amir Khan talked about his cause, made an appeal and answered all the questions. Later that evening a Public Workout at Frere Hall was held for the fans, where all the boxers practiced and showed their boxing skills. The seven international boxers Tasif Khan, Dayle Gallagher, Jody Meikle, Stuart Maddox, Francis Peter Douglas Croes, Phil Townley  and Haroon King Khan attended the public workout. The interesting part of the night apart from the public appearance of the boxers was the workout of the dynamic duo Nusrat & Torsam from The 42 – Day Challenge where the challengers and the 42DC team was all charged up and enthusiastic to share their fitness regime with the boxers and crowd.

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Last instalment of the event was the actual fight night! The most awaited day for Amir Khan’s team along with our media and boxing lovers. The marquee was beautifully decorated for the Black-tie event, making the boxing ring – the centre of attention!

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The night began with two amazing hosts in the ring, our very own Anoushey Ashraf and Rizwan who had flown down all the way from London to support Amir Khan. After a brief speech given by the pride of Pakistan, first amateur fight of the night happened between two teen-agers from Lyari, Saira and Ambreen, who looked focused and ready to rumble. It was good to see such young girls understanding the sport so well and also glad to know that someone is working out on a plan to provide them with a proper platform to polish their skills.

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Later, people who wanted to donate for the cause were asked to raise their hands and I must say, when it comes to charity and kindness, no doubt muslims know the best way to show it. The elite class of K-town donated generously for the poor children and residents of THAR with the gift of wells, more than 20 wells were donated and made me felt proud to witness such event.

Next up was the auction of personal belongings of Amir Khan along with other things that he brought from London. Every single person who was at the event was passionate about donating, hence the bidding started off with the jersey’s signed by the Liverpool and Manchester United players. Amir Khan’s signed boxing gloves, shorts, jerseys and few paintings that were sold with highest biddings, bagging approx 7.5 Million PKR in few hours for Amir Khan Foundation. There stood the Team Amir Khan proud and tall.


Live boxing is so much interesting and fun than anything else, the main part of the night for which everyone was waiting for were the bouts between the international boxers with the referee Mr. Richie Davies. First bout was 4 x 3 Minute Middleweight Contest between Dayle Gallagher and Phil Townley, which was 40-37 point win for Dayle. The second bout was 4×3 Minute Cruiserweight Contest between Jody Meikle and Stuart Maddox, which was 36-39 points win for Stuart. Quite an intense fight it was! To lighten up the mood after the fights, Bilal Saeed and Adeel Chaudhry performed live for the audience.

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I would like to thank HBL for sponsoring HBL Superstar Boxing Event for a noble cause, IRIS Event Management – Reema Siddiqui & Omar Satti and Xenith PR for putting up an amazing event, BIBA for bringing international boxers to Pakistan, The 42 – Day Challenge and Phegency PR for a crazy public workout, Hashoo Group, J.Fragrances, National, Dolmen, Red Crescent, BlueEX, Careem, City FM89 and last but not the least Ranger for their support.

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Before ending my article I would like to mention what Mr. Gianluca Di Caro – CEO BIBA (British Irish Boxing Authority) felt in the past few days, living here. “The people of Pakistan welcomed us with open arms. I cannot even describe the feeling I and my fighters had in few days. All of us cannot wait to come back to Pakistan, not just for boxing but for the love of this beautiful country. We will do everything we can to highlight Pakistan in UK, we want to change things and we want more British sports to be highlighted like this in Pakistan and I also wish to have a better tourism.”  Even after two days I had tears in my eyes while writing these words because I am proud of Amir Khan, I am proud of his entourage, I am proud of every single person who was part of it and today I can say that I am a proud Pakistani.

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