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Muneer Jalbani apologies to Sharjeel Inam Memon for false allegations.

In a recent development, Muneer Jalbani – Information Department has apologised for the serious allegations against Former Minister and Member of the Provincial Assembly, Sharjeel Inam Memon after receiving backlash for his accusations. 

His video apologising has gone viral and he has clarified his statements for the wrongful allegations made against respected Sharjeel Inam Memon. 

Sharjeel Inam Memon is a credible and well renowned member of the Provincial Assembly from 2008-2023 and has served Pakistan as a Minister and is a well known name in politics. 

His efforts towards improvement have been recognised nationwide. His progressive working methods have always proven to be successful while the initiatives he has taken have always served as a motivation for the generations to come. His fiery speeches, active participation and impressive communication skills have truly made him stand out. 

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