We are two months in 2017 now and are you still planning your new-year reinvention? New Year, new you? New Year, new body? If you want an easy, cost-effective way to make a change to how you look in 2017, take a seat in the barber’s chair. A haircut is your number one way to a new, better-looking you. Here are some trends you need to follow asap!
Texture on Top
An easy way to achieve this style is to have your barber clip your hair short on the sides and back of your head, fading into longer hair on the top that’s point-cut with a scissors for an uneven, nicely textured look.
Long(er) Hair
As men become more adept at using tools and products, we expect that there will be an increase in more complicated, longer styles – so, bouncy, voluminous [styles] will likely be popular.
The Throwback Cut
Parted brow-length fringes are already coming into high demand.
Colour Up
Jealous of your other half’s pastel hair job? Think Zayn Malik’s onto something with his ‘merman’ dos? 2017 might be the year bold colours become the norm, sort of. If you’re looking for something that leaves an impression, but helps you keep your job, try getting your hair bleached – either white blonde or a more grungy, Kurt Cobain-inspired straw blonde.