FHM Pakistan
FHM Roman

Breaking Barriers! This man’s kind act for transgender people will literally move you to tears

Transgender people or third gender in Pakistan and most of Asian countries, in that case, are often looked down upon as a disgrace for this society. Why? We might never know! God created them, but we forgot to give them the equal rights they deserve. And this recent account of Basit Subhani, a known artist, will literally move you to tears; thinking how cruel this society has become.

Breaking Barriers! This man's conversation with transgender people will literally move you to tears

This post by Basit Subhani is a brutal account of what these people have to face in their everyday life. Not only are these people forced to go to streets in order to beg for their life’s necessities, but they are also made a petty part of jokes and harassment. And why wouldn’t they beg, are we providing them with respectable jobs? Are there parents accepting them as a blessing of Allah? The day they are born, these innocent beings are thrown on street! Have we forgotten that they are Allah’s creations too, they too are humans?!

Roma and Kiran, as mentioned in the post, have revealed the torturous reality that whatever little they manage to earn by begging is also seized by police. Moreover, it is hurtful to know they couldn’t believe that a man, for once, could be decent with them and offer them a cup of tea alongside him. Why would they even believe, have we made accustomed to this behaviour?

Breaking Barriers! This man's kind act for transgender people will literally move you to tears
Basit Subhani with transgender people Roma and Kiran

These innocent and guiltless souls also asked Mr. Subhani if he could spread the word of being kind with them, they pleaded that it is not their fault that they are not either man or woman. They demanded for respect and rightful honour to be given to them.

Basit Subhani should be appreciated for breaking barriers and acting on a great extinct; talking to them and making them feel a little close to normal life even if for once. He has spread a message – a message of love, peace and righteousness. In the end, all I would like to say is that for the love of God, learn to give respect to these people and include them in our everyday life functioning. They did nothing to deserve this seclusion! Hope this post or this blog could make even a little bit of difference.

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