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Maintaining A Balanced Diet  

Nobody knows the exact meaning for “balanced diet”. To keep it simple, A ‘balanced diet’ is basically obtained when you have a variety of food from all food groups contributing to your nutrition intake.

Why start a balanced diet :

  • Helps improve the functioning of brain and keeps your mind active 
  • A balanced diet leads to strong immunity, helps you fight against the viruses and bacterias. 
  • Allows you to maintain a healthy weight and obtain all required nutritions . 

How can you maintain a balanced diet: 

  • Fixing your meal timings. You should ideally eat 3 meals a day, along with 2 snack portions, with 4/5 hours in between each. 
  • Try to reduce consumption of preserved or pre-packaged foods and try replacing with fresh food . 
  • Exercise and keep your body physically active in order to cut down the excessive carbs and proteins. 
  • Water plays an essential role, hence, consume about 2/3 litres of water everyday . 
  • Lastly, have a proper sleep routine!

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