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Magic of Meditation 

In a world where we are constantly stimulated, always on the run, experiencing overthinking, stress and anxiety, being able to really switch off sounds like a dream. 

However, truly switching off can be a life-changer. All the benefits of meditation lie in being able to switch off, and really experience being in the present, where the mind does nothing but explore the now.

The greatest benefit of beginning a meditation practice is purely in giving yourself the time for you. The time to relax, release, reduce stress, let go of anxiety or worry, and feel a deep sense of inner calm and peace.

Whether I am working with clients who want to find the right romantic soulmate, build their business, earn more money or find more fulfilment from life, I always bring meditation practice into sessions. Bringing meditation into practice allows an individual the space to really begin tuning into their needs and what is truly important to them. Meditation practice can often be used to find answers to important questions, and gain a sense of clarity and direction. 

Meditating allows you to switch off from outside noise, to clean out your mind, to give you the space to connect to your heart centre, and your truth. And it is in your heart where happiness and a healthy life lie. Meditating daily not only helps you make the right decisions for you, but it also helps you build a more loving, compassionate and kind relationship with yourself.
Many people also report changes in their health; decreased blood pressure levels, a reduction in chronic pain, and improved sleep.

Before you even grab your phone from the dresser, sit up in bed, and give yourself 5 minutes of ‘you’ time. Bring your attention to your heart and focus all your attention there. See your heart as a pure bright white light that is expanding from your centre. Any time a thought comes, notice it and then come back to focusing on your heart centre.

As you practice your daily meditations, work up to meditating for at least 20 minutes each day. This, with time, will help you see bigger and better changes in your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Studies prove that meditators sleep longer and quicker than those who do not. Meditation releases tension and helps you relax, so if you are looking for a quick and easy way to get more rest, you should meditate. It has been proven to help patients with dementia and increases mental speed. Meditation also helps battle addiction, as a bonus for those who do not practice meditation for this advantage.

Whatever practice you choose, start small, experiment with different techniques.

By: Minahil Saleem

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