FHM Pakistan

Have a look at an impressive teaser of J. winter collection

The preparations for winter are in full swing as we can see all the fashion brands getting on board with their new collections. One such brand that hardly ever goes unnoticed when it comes to seasonal clothing collections is J.

J. recently released a new ad for its Winter Collection, and it goes without saying that it turned a lot of heads. In our honest opinion, we believe the new ad has made quite an impact. This is why we’ve decided to do a detailed review for it, explaining all the reasons behind its appeal and why other brands should also take note.

First of all, here’s a look at the ad:

After using mannequins in previous communication mediums, J. has gradually shifted to real-life models who we can clearly see donning the new collection in the latest TVC. This is definitely a refreshing look for the brand as we can observe that it is stepping up the game by making their campaign more interactive. The only aspect previously missing from J.’s campaigns was the human element, and it’s safe to say that the brand has cleverly integrated that as well now.

Carrying the Brand’s Story Forward

Given the way the ad develops, it’s safe to admit that some significant work has been put in to the story. Obviously, the brand has clearly shown that it is sticking to its heritage by displaying simplicity. This is yet again a very class act given the fact how other brands usually tend to go overboard with their messages in the rest of the fashion industry.

Modest Depiction of the Models

In the TVC, we can see that the female models are going about their lives as they are busy with day-to-day activities. It’s clearly observable that these women are depicted having thoughts, interests, and beliefs. This is a great depiction as it counters the common objectification of women in the Pakistani fashion industry, wherein females are usually seen lying on beaches and whatnot with sensual expressions for no reason whatsoever. The male models are also treated equally as in each frame, we can observe them busy in their own thoughts.

The Most Outstanding Feature

Everything else aside, we also need to discuss the main thing that is being highlighted here: the J. Winter Collection! Of course, the vibrant colors in the background have been smartly used to make the collection pop even more. Butin all fairness, the new prints and designs are so gorgeous that they outshine everything else in the video. If you don’t believe us, ask any other fashion enthusiast – whether male or female – and they’ll tell you the same.

Kudos to J. for rolling out such an impressive teaser for the new Winter Collection. We give the advertisement a solid 9.5/10!

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