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Aagar aisa kartay tou kaisa hota ?

Have you ever thought ‘agar aisa kartay tou kaisa hota’? I bet everyone reading this has been through such situations where you question yourself and regret a lot of things that might have been done but didn’t happen due to a lot of reasons. Those reasons could be as foolish as ‘log kya sochenge’ or ‘log kya kahenge’. The level of importance this society gives to the so-called ‘log’ is just speechless.

Who are these ‘log’? Are they so idle to think about us? Don’t they work for a living? Inflation hasn’t hit their part of the planet? Or they are from another planet I believe. Because we surely have no time to sneak into other people’s lives as everybody is so busy nowadays that we don’t even have time to meet each other while living under one roof so how can we sit and think that ‘Shabana is 28 and still single or Rasheed has failed his semester twice’. Every human is created separately and holds equal rights to live freely according to their own will, no one I repeat no one is held accountable for your life. Do whatever your heart says and live however you want. From your studies to your profession to marriage to children to old age you are responsible for everything and the only contribution others put in your life is none other than your family. Break the stigma of ‘log kya kahenge’ because most of the dreams are shattered because of it. If you are thinking that you are running out of time or you are not well settled like your friends, lay back and take a deep breath to relax because good things take time.

 So please I request you to keep your facts straight and eradicate all the ‘log’ from your lives and live peacefully.

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