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‘Log kya Kahenge?’ This is the most frequent and the most said question of Asian families specially. We humans, are always surrounded by a lot of people. People like us are always conscious about what people think or would think about us. We are always worried about other people’s thinking. What if we do this or what if we do that? How people will judge us? What would they think about us or How would they react ? These questions pop up’s in our head every single time. Specially in desi (Asian) families. We would always be worried about our character our self respect because of these type of questionable queries. These settings affect how a person thinks, responds, takes decision, and behaves. It doesn’t only include home, community, religion but also the places where you work, study, and visit quite often. Undoubtedly our society and family community plays a big role is shaping our integrity. Well, growing up in an Asian family is like, if we try to do something different or new which are different from regular happenings of society that might be new perspectives, thoughts, business, careers, traditions. But when we try to do it, many of us have a bit of an inferiority complex about “WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY?”. The feeling of this sentence is the biggest barrier that a common man of every Asian family has to face before doing anything.

I believe that we should get over this phase, as we are living in a very new and modernised generation. Words are the most common drugs used by the mankind , it can be toxin as well. So, Let no vain word deceive us.
People will gossip and say this even if you do anything or not, even if you do anything good or bad. We just can’t let the public opinion or approval take priority over our personal happiness.

There’s a quote that i would like to share, “Your goals are not strong enough if people don’t laugh at them”. So next if you see someone not laughing at you, you know the answer!

Neyha Khilji

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