FHM Pakistan
Fashion & Lifestyle

Living a Royal life is not really a walk in the park

The dream to be prince and princesses — the elegance, sophistication and the grace of royal life. At some point of time we all longed for it. But surprisingly the life we all wished to emulate is no walk in the park. From classic fashion to fancy dining, from social graces to grand lifestyle; there’s a lot more to what royalty is like!

This is to most shocking conventional customs, complex restrictions, expectations that every royal must abide by,

Everyone follows the queen!

According to royal protocol, everyone must be led by Queen’s book of rules. For instance, if queen stands, everyone stands. When Queen stops eating, everyone is expected to consider his bite the last one. Moreover, everyone on Queen’s entrance or exit is required to rise.

Two heirs are not allowed to travel together

With the intention of preserving the string of throne, two heirs are not allowed to travel together. But apparently this rule was recently seen broken by the Royal family.

Hats and Tiaras have a meaning behind

We have seen that head-wear enjoys a special place in royal dress codes. Next time you notice some royal wearing a hat, get an idea that it’s a day event. The royalty rule book says that after 6pm tiaras, and jewels should be worn and for days events hats should be considered. However, this rule is only for married women and not the ones searching for soulmates. (They cannot wear tiaras at all)

Permission required for marriage proposals

Permissions and approvals for marriage decisions are not just limited to brown families! According to Royal norms, royal descendants are required to seek consent of the monarch before proposing. The Queen is the one who controls and approves all her children and grand children’s marriage decisions.
Can you believe Harry got a seal of approval before he asked for Meghan Markle’s hand!

Clutches aren’t just for fashion

Royals carry clutches to have a polite excuse in order to avoid shaking hands with commoners and masses.

No social media

None of the member of royal family is allowed to have social media accounts. This is why Meghan Markle erased her social media footprint before becoming the Duchess of Sussex. Though later, Meghan and Harry launched their own joint Instagram account by the name sussexroyal.

Rules for shaking hands

Royals are advised to maintain strong eye contact during hand shakes and only two shakes are allowed at maximum.

Living a Royal life is not as easy as it seems. No?





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