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Live your dreams

Have you ever woken up by the thought of where life is leading you and is this the life you actually wanted? Are you living your dreams or merely surviving!

Deciding to follow your dreams is a choice. A choice to rise about mediocrity and to become extraordinary. Your life will change drastically once you make the choice not to settle for a mediocre life, If you want to live the life you truly want you have to take control.

It’s not about believing in yourself; it’s about being yourself–take action. We are entirely made up of dreams yearning to be lived. At every point in time, DO what you can, when you can and however you can to invest your time and efforts in your dreams; directly and without evasion

Letting yourself be pulled by the call of your heart, the important things in life don’t always feel like the safest path. Clear the clutter of negativity, reduce the time wasting activities that bring you no contentment. Refuse to limit or repress your ideas, they are the seeds of your future.

If you expect it to be an easy ride you’ll set yourself up for constant disappointment. There are days when everything seems hard but remember that even during the roughest patches the rewards for your dedication and persistence are great.

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