FHM Pakistan
Fashion & Lifestyle


Lifestyle means someone’s way of living. The concept of lifestyle is commonly used as something that needs to be changed if we want to achieve a sustainable development. But what exactly is the concept of Lifestyle? What exactly it is defined as ? Lifestyle refers to an individual’s way of living, attitudes, values, and how they see the world. The concept extends to religious practices, morality, dressing, sexuality, etc. Lifestyle is also referred to as the characteristics of inhabitants of a region in a special time and place. It also includes day to day behaviours and functions of individuals in job, activities, fun and diet. Millions of people follow an unhealthy lifestyle. As according to WHO ‘World Health Organisation’, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life are correlated to lifestyle. The relationship of lifestyle and health should be highly considered.

According to the studies, lifestyle has a significant influence on physical and mental health of human being. For example, In some countries, the overuse of drugs is a major unhealthy life style. Iran is one of the 20 countries using the most medications. Few of the variables of Lifestyle that can influence on health are as follows: 

Diet and BMI , Sleep, exercise, application of modern technologies and etc. 

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