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FHM Breeze

Life after marriage!

What is marriage or what’s the prospect of married life!? People often ponder upon the fact what changes does marriage throws at the couple. No matter how prepared the partners are, they do undergo abrupt lifestyle changes. Some may find it repulsive while for others it’s an utter euphoria. Changes are inevitable when your companionship changes for life. It plays a vital role in transition of a person’s nature. If I speak about a girl, she always admires about her life after marriage. Each passing day she consistently is taught an unusual lesson for the future life with her spouse. She grows up watching people around getting married, listening stories and making a beautiful life. She always have different fantasies about that life and the person she wants to be with.
If i talk about myself I always had a very beautiful and clear image of a marriage. I used to see my parents gleeful and when it was about them I always wanted to get married. Another quite weird reason which came to my mind was that I never wanted to be a responsible person so it came in my mind all the time that I will get rid of everything like that.
But let me tell you now that I am married and coming to my present, the life completely changed on 360 degree angle. Nothing was the same that I ever imagined. I learned that the girl has to get responsible whether she wants or not. She has to take things on her own with no choice left. I always hated to wake up early in the morning for school or college. But now I have to, though its not for me, its for him. It doesn’t mean that I am forced to do this it’s just that you do that because you want that.
But every side is not usually negative. There are many positive aspects of life as well which you enjoy throughout your life. The best feeling is that you feel protected by the man of your life. You share every bit of your life with him. He tells you your good and bad both. Sometimes he is your mentor and sometimes he is your best friend. Basically he completes you in every way possible.
So when i see my husband I feel truly blessed and loved which actually helps me to be who I was not. It feels sometimes hectic but when I look at him I feel like I have a power to conquer the world.
But let’s see how it would be a year later. Fingers crossed.
Hence a girl’s life totally change after her marriage either she wants or not. Explicitly, life isn’t a bed of roses neither it is an utopia which we as girls imagined at our childhood playing with beautiful dolls but it can be a seraphic magical venture if our partner is understanding enough to comprehend our side of story at any point of life too or vice versa. Every new day new memories are coming your way. With time you witness that golden time period which stays with you till your last breath. According to a psychology ”you spend double your age more with your spouse than your parents so you adopt much more habits of your spouse than you learn from parents.”


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