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Love is an idealized fairytale if your lover is a Libra. Libra people are romantic and charming, but they are quite reliant on a mate. They require companions who will nourish and support them. If you want romance but don’t want the turmoil, Libra could be your soulmate.

Your Libra partner, above all others, is the most passionate, consoling, and affable of the sun signs. It’s just how they are. They most likely approached you at the party since you were the wallflower.

Their soft and loving demeanor drew your heart in so easily, and then they went after your head. 

This can clearly produce dissatisfaction in any circumstance, and it’s certainly one of the main disadvantages of dating a Leo, because no one wants to feel like they’re working for their partners. They are continuously checking in on you and ensuring that everyone around them is having a good time. Expect to lose your Libra at a party, and while they will be seeking for you and showering you with affection on a frequent basis, their more emotional empathic side will drive them about.

If you’re looking for a Libra guy or woman, don’t put too much pressure on them. Though getting swept off one’s feet is always appealing, the Libra may have so much on their plate that you must first integrate yourself into their universe. Don’t let this stop you from experiencing romance and spontaneity; just know when and how to do it.

LIBRA AND CANCER: This is a romantic connection with the potential for vital love lessons to be learned. These courses will mostly focus on where their biggest priorities in life are, whether at work or at home. These are the areas where they can most easily communicate and work together.

LIBRA AND TAURAS: The bull and the lion can have fun and spoil each other, but because they are both fixed signs, they must be flexible with each other and with life in general in order to properly appreciate what each other offers to the partnership. Taurus may be a dependable and emotional rock for Leo to lean on during the inevitable ups and downs of life.

LIBRA AND ARIES: As opposing signs on the zodiac wheel, Aries is assertive and Libra is passive, thus their energy levels are diametrically opposed and can drive each other insane.

LIBRA AND GEMINI: They work together to pleasure each other. There isn’t likely to be any confrontation here, which is exactly how these two prefer it. They’re both air signs, and they’re on the same frequency. From the outset, they have had an innate understanding that has only grown with time. It’s as if their souls are intertwined like a finely tuned machine.

LIBRA AND LEO: They’re a sight to behold when they’re all together! These two, who are both ruled by the Sun and Venus, have a dazzling, upbeat outlook on life, a refined aesthetic sense, and a desire for luxury. Libra possesses elegance, poise, and an innate desire to please others, which is a fantastic fit for Leo’s personality.

LIBRA AND VIRGO: Both of these Autumn-born beauties want to live in peace, and this pairing can work if Virgo learns to sugarcoat his or her proposals and Libra doesn’t think that Virgo would take care of all the jobs and responsibilities.

LIBRA AND LIBRA: Peace, Love, and Understanding – with a few balancing acts thrown in for good measure! Libra is the relationship sign; these two were made for each other and may live in perfect harmony. Though, in balancing their respective scales, that harmony can include a lot of ‘discussions,’ as they sort out their feelings on any and all matters in their quest for the most fair and just solution, direction, or choice.

LIBRA AND SCORPIO: Lessons about nurturing love! Libra can learn a lot from Scorpio, who is innately aware of the difficulties that come with striving for the balance and harmony that Libra is so familiar with.

LIBRA AND SAGITTARIUS: They are influenced by Jupiter (Sagittarius), who is expansive and lucky, and Venus (Libra), who is the provider of beauty and pleasure.

LIBRA AND CAPRICORN: They may both be authoritative in their own ways, and Libra is generally content to let Capricorn take charge and make the decisions.

LIBRA AND AQUARIUS: These two are in creative heaven! With their Suns trine in the air element, they instinctively ‘get’ each other. Their attraction on a romantic and intellectual level excites and stimulates them both and their shared values spark creative impulses that expand and enrich their lives – and possibly the lives of many others! Both signs are idealistic and socially aware and can be crusaders for truth, justice and a better world.

LIBRA AND PISCES: Wine, roses, music – it’s just what the doctor ordered. With this pair, there’s no shortage of romantic interludes to keep their hearts singing and their dreams heavenly. Venus, ruling planet of Libra, brings beauty, harmony and justice to Neptune’s inspired light of spiritual truth. These two can find their association a soothing balm to the soul.

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