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KU Campus Safe No More!

There is a fear that has settled in the hearts of the people and in air in our country in the wake of the motorway incident, among many others. And quite frankly, it’s understandable, with the way that men are now treating women and children with brutality, vulgarity and barbarianism.

We recently came across an incident that took place in Karachi, within the KU premises. A young man, by the name of Shaheer Ali, who is a senior year student of IBA penned down a horrific ordeal that he and his female friends, who accompanied him, went through.

The two girls and Shaheer were on their way back from a friend’s birthday celebration, on their way to drop on of the girls off at the IBA Girls’ Hostel, which they did in peace and started making their way towards Maskan, an area which is not too far from the aforementioned KU campus. On their way to drop off Shaheer’s second female friend, upon crossing Safeet, 4 motorbikes surrounded their car. There were about 10 men aboard these motorbikes and were demanding that Shaheer stop the car.

Now, on a road that is very dark at night time, with no witnesses present inside the KU premises (which is unacceptable to say the least), these two friends were stuck in a tug of war with the motorbikes where no matter how much they sped, the bikers followed and harassed and threatened them.

Having heard about tragedies like the one that happened on the motorway, or the numerous cases that came up in Gujranwala, or the multiple atrocities we hear of happening with women & children, can we really blame these two for being scared out of their wits? Of course not! Naturally Shaheer, being the man, did everything he could to make sure that his friend remained safe.

His first thought was to reach a place where they could possibly find some help, hence reaching the IBA Boys’ Hostel. They had barely taken a sigh of relief, before these men appeared out of nowhere again and started attacking the car, bellowing at them to get the girl out, threatening to attack the two if they didn’t comply.

Shaheer, letting his reflexes take over, somehow escaped the site and made his way (rushing) towards the Maskan Gate, where he informed the guards of this horrifying turn of events, desperately seeking help. The guards took over, and so came to a halt, the most horrifyingly scary evening that these two must’ve experienced in their lives.

Shaheer has had sleepless nights since the incident occurred, and his friend is still in a state of shock, unable to talk about the incident in vivid detail, yet. Shaheer and his friend have contacted IBA’s management are hopeful that the administrative team at IBA will take this matter to the concerned authorities so as to prevent this from happening again and to bring these criminals to their rightful consequences.

The only thing these victims have to say to you all is, please be vigilant, please be safe. These people have no mercy no faith.

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