FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

This is the kind of person you deserve

I’m only 22, but I have learned a lot about relationships, not from my own experience but through my friends having those creepy relationships which results in fair share of heartbreaks, but let me tell you this only makes you more strong. And I hope that if anything, you can read this and maybe find your own way to the love of your life, because you deserve the kind of love that’s worth waiting for. Don’t settle for low you deserve much more!

The kind of love you deserve is the kind that makes you swoon, the kind that makes you laugh and smile each moment you are with them. The kind of love you deserve is the kind of love that doesn’t make you question everything, but only makes your life better and more complete. You deserve to be with someone who makes you a better you, not someone that makes you doubt yourself. You deserve to be swept off your feet, kissed in the rain and said goodnight to. You deserve someone who would do anything for you and would want you to succeed at whatever you decide to do.

You deserve someone who responds to your texts, calls you when they say they will, and doesn’t stand you up on dates. You deserve someone who says you’re beautiful, no matter what. You deserve someone who will send you flowers for no reason and always remember your favorite kind of candy. You deserve someone with whom you can go out to a romantic meal with, but then also be just as comfortable sitting on a park bench at midnight talking with.

You deserve someone that makes your heart race, your pulse beat fast and your head spin. You deserve someone that makes you feel light, happy and effortless, like you were meant to be together all along. You deserve someone that remembers what you like and who you are. You deserve an understanding person who doesn’t pressure you or make you feel stupid.

You deserve someone better than the people you have been with before. You deserve that real, raw, romantic fairytale kinda love. You deserve it all <3

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