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Kami Sid’s Rani has won an award at NBC Universal Short Film Festival!

Social activist and transgender model Kami Sid has made headlines one too many times. From fashion shoots to short films, Kami Sid has come a long way in a country where transgenders are often miss treated.

After making it to several film festivals. Kami Sid’s  Rani has won an award at NBC Universal Short Film Festival. Rani‘s director Hammad Rizvi bagged the award for Best Director. The actor took to Instagram to share a picture from the event.

With the hope to end violence against the transgender community and the phobia surrounding it, Kami Sid earlier featured in a BBC documentary, How Gay is Pakistan and has become known for being vocal about transgender rights. She is also a well known activist for LGBT.

Directed by Hammad Rizvi, Rani will be screen at the festival on July 14, 2018. It also stated that the film was shot on the streets of Karachi and stars Sid alongside Maaz Khan.

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