Janaan is a Pakistani Romantic comedy film directed by Azfar Jafri, written by Osman Khalid Butt and co-produced by Hareem Farooq, Reham Khan, Munir Hussain and Imran Raza Kazmi under production banners of IRK Films.
The film revolves around pakhtun girl who returns from abroad and gets stuck in a love triangle of Bilal Ashraf and Ali Rehman. The movie is based on two families that are vital yet ignored the typical social issues in such an excellent manner. The movie has proved to be pure unlike other films which have somewhat Bollywood and foreign touch.
Janaan is an overall a complete family entertainer with its unique identity and character, that will make you glued to the screen throughout. The film stars Armeena Khan, Bilal Ashraf and Ali Rehman Khan in lead roles.