Rough patch, a bad day, a major setback. Sometimes, it seems like one thing goes wrong after another. An obstacle might come your way, and you find yourself stressing out, worrying and not knowing what to do.
When you face an unexpected challenge or obstacle, you may find yourself overwhelmed, worried, and unsure of what to do. Furthermore, occasionally, you don’t simply have anything lack of creativity and motivation. You suddenly experience a lot of self-doubt.
You believe that you must always be strong.
You believe that you are not permitted to cry or acknowledge that you are not okay.
It is acceptable to be not okay always!

Know that it’s alright. It is okay not to be okay. You are not the only one who experiences feelings of loneliness, loss, or lack of motivation; therefore, you should not resist feeling “bad” about yourself. Remember that even though most of us don’t talk about it, we all know what it’s like to “not be okay.” Don’t worry about what other people are doing. We all experience these emotions from time to time, and it is acceptable to not be okay.
At times, things seem to be in chaos. You don’t like your job, you’re stressed out, and your bank account looks scary. You currently have a lot on your plate.
Although I’m sure you’ve put in a lot of effort, that might not be exactly what you’re going through.You have had a lot going on.
Every person has their own problems and struggles to overcome, and sometimes things don’t go as planned.
If you’re having a hard time, look for the support of your loved ones. Allow yourself as much time as necessary to process the emotion and recover. You don’t have to be perfect, despite what the outside world tells you, and it’s okay if you don’t feel okay.
Take the time to unwind, refuel, and breathe. Take the best care of yourself you can. Nobody knows you better than you do.