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Is addiction a disease or a choice?

What is Addiction?

During our lifetime, we may have experienced some form of addiction or come across people that may be suffering from it. Addiction is not only limited to smoking, drugs, alcohol, or substance abuse. Addiction varies and can be associated with unbreakable habits that are not beneficial to us. These habits may include shopping, attraction, sexual desires, excessive eating, cosmetic procedures, tattoos, video games or social media etc.

Addiction roots from what we are surrounded by and the environment we grow up in. Most of these traits develop because of behavioural issues and people tend to think they can quit when they want, however they fail to realise that it is just a myth and they need to stop being in denial about being an addict.

The most important factor when you want to quit an addiction is to make the decision to change.

It is vital to be prepared mentally to quit your bad habits and take make smarter choices that serve you well.

For any of you struggling with addiction, seek help and make the much needed change.

You are worth it.

Until next time!

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