FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

Intimate Birthdays/Weddings are the new cool?

By: Sanabeel Shoaib

With the recent ongoing pandemic, the whole dynamic of hosting and attending events has changed completely. Recently, to start off, an intimate wedding was held by two of the most famous designers in Karachi, Farah Talib Aziz and Zainab Chottani, putting forward a trend for the rest of us.

Weeks from now, you’ll see people following this new cool and adapting to it. Similarly, I decided to host an intimate birthday, if weddings are taking place, birthdays are equally important right? A wooden farshi floor setup, with beautiful strands of flowers and lanterns hanging all around giving it the most elegant and gorgeous finish ever. A party of few people, with good food, good lightning and good mood is all what you need this quarantine.

My day couldn’t get any better than this, hope you’re equally inspired and celebrate your big day or your l oved ones the same way I did!!

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