FHM Pakistan

Insta Stalk- Which celebrity has got maximum followers

Our celebrities are not just famous in Pakistan but have fans all over the world. There are huge number of fans who follow our stars on social media. Whereas, most of our celebrities have their Facebook personal and a lot of them does not even update their Twitter. While, Instagram is the best source to know what our celebrities are up to. Want to know about the official account and number of followers of the top 10 celebrities of Pakistan? Here’s a list for you.


# 1 Mawra Hocane (1.3m Fans)

Mawra Hocane Instagram

# 2 Urwa Hocane (986k Fans)


# 3 Aiman Khan (930k Fans)

Aiman Khan Instagram

# 4 Mahirah Khan (914k Fans)


# 5 Mehwish Hayat (855k Fans)

Mehwish Hayat instagram

# 6 Minal Khan (756k Fans)

Minal Khan instagram

# 7 Ayesha Omer (714k Fans)

Ayesha Omer instagram

# 8 Humaima Malick (512k Fans)

Humaima Malick instagram

# 9 Sohai Ali Abroo (351k Fans)

Sohai Ali Abroo instagram

# 10 Aisha Khan (322k Fans)

Aisha Khan instagram

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