FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness


Nowadays, it is necessary for every individual to have a healthy diet along with healthy body. According to science it has been stated that daily exercise keeps a person fresh and fit.

There are a few basic steps to do these 5 exercises daily which takes few minutes and its fun for sure.

The Wrestler’s Squat:

Wrestlers squats helps you to gain an awareness of how your body moves and stays in balance. So, you will quickly learn how to properly align your body to maintain both balance and control.

Plus, as you shift your weight forward onto your toes, your center of gravity moves forward as well. This requires you to control your body and maintain stability throughout the exercise.


Jumping rope can burn 200 to 300 calories in 15 minutes. That may be more than other continuous cardio exercises, like running or bike riding.

Jumping rope requires top notch coordination, especially as you advance to more skilled moves, such as quickly swinging the rope twice within each jump. As well as, jumping rope gets your heart pumping, it is great for your cardiovascular system and heart health.

Skipping rope can specially boost up the density of your bones.


A proper lunge posture can help you achieve a stronger and more stable core. This workout engages your core and abdominal muscles. It helps you build stability which when you move your hips up and down.

While most exercises put load on your spine, lunges help in reducing that load; they give your spine a chance to relax. Lunges are quite effective in terms of strengthening legs and buttocks.

Lunges target large muscle groups of your lower body; this boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight much faster.

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