FHM Pakistan

Importance and Power of Social Media

Social Media

Social media is a very important factor of this 21st century. This thing has its own importance and power in every other person’s life. Any social media platform can sometimes be very good for someone while on the other hand this thing also has some bad effects as it can make someone life’s better as well as it can destroy somebody’s life.

In today’s century, social media is used for various purposes like some people just use it to stay updated from the world, while some people use some of its platforms to make bread and butter for their family. As if we talk about some bad effects of social media on our society so people get cyberbullied on social media which often leads to death.

Addiction to social media:

If we take any social media platform and talk about it specifically like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or any other platform. Every person will have any one of them downloaded in their handset and at least one time in an hour they visit their account just to see what going on out there. Even when a person is totally free instead of doing something good or creative, he will just grab his mobile phone and start scrolling on these platforms.

Importance of social media:

No doubt social media has some bad effects on human beings but still important for social media is still there. Due to social media more than millions of people earn their bread and butter and as well as keep everyone aware of what going on around them. You don’t have to watch the news all the time like before and waste your precious time but instead just grab your phone scroll for 5 min and done, now you are aware of every news going around.

Good and Bad effects of social media:

Talking about good effects so this thing has changed everything, digital advertising, time-saving work, more exposure of bad part of the community, more people get justice, earn money and many more, while talking about bad effects it has a lot of bad effects because this thing is open to all so if anything goes bad it affects every person on that platform. If someone gets cyberbullied then this thing can take you to death.

How to make Revenue:

People make revenue from social media in many different ways. Firstly, if you want to earn money you should have some fame and then when you have fame, small companies who do not have reach towards customers will start a business with you so you can just boost their business by giving them shout out kind of thing. And they will obviously pay you for your work.

If used correctly social media can be very beneficial for mankind. It just needs proper care that nobody gets offended and everything is friendly to watch, so in this way, w can make social media a better thing to use on daily basis, if not this thing will be very harmful in the future.

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