FHM Pakistan
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A thriving Pakistan?

It’s 21st century yet, women aren’t safe. We live in a country where men have started to suffocate their daughters, wives and sisters. Women aren’t safe at workplaces, public transport, roads, and social gatherings nor at homes. How long before this madness must stop? How many more daughters will die, how many more coffins be lifted till men in our society realize that it’s enough!

One of the recent events that came to light was of Usman Mirza. The truth is breed like him isn’t born, societies create them. When children are troubled they show signs of it at an early stage. That is when the teachers and parents come together to resort the issue and help the child. If neglected, they’ll grow up to be monsters and carry out atrocious acts.

There have been many cases like this before. The simple solution is to instill fear by hanging the culprits publicly or stoning them to death as mentioned in the religion. The situation has got out of control and someone needs to take a fall for this. Public authorities need to take action, the time is up. We need to address this issue seriously before more inhumane acts like this continue.

Recently an app Iyzil is launched in Pakistan. It is the first ever app created to ensure women’s safety and security. It promises to help women from harassers. Approximately every 2nd in 3rd women faces harassment of some sort which scares them for the rest of their lives. The value of life has become so insignificant. Iyzil states to protect females at work, school, home, social gathering, colleges etc. If a woman faces any threat or an incident, she can immediately press the volume button thrice or shake her phone which will automatically active the panic alert and that in turn will inform her top 5 or more personal responders. Once that happens Iyzil’s professional monitoring service will quickly get in touch with emergency services for eg Police 15, Rescue 112 and Fire Brigade 16 which will arrive to the spot instantly. They will receive the location of her instantly.

Our country needs strict law and enforcement agencies that are working round the clock for the betterment of society and protection of women. Pakistan has many issues amongst which is lack of awareness. We need to educate people and talk about their responsibilities, we need to talk more openly about the repercussions and we should take bold steps. It is our job to ensure that there are equal number of men and women in the workplace and that HR isn’t biased. We need to make sure that women are able to take up education, jobs and vocational training. We need to build strong army of women that exists in every sphere of society.

Self-defense classes should be made mandatory for all women in schools and colleges and they should continue throughout the course of their semesters. We need to discourage child marriages and forced marriages. That is one of the biggest and more important step, this will positively impact the society and our nation needs to push women to participate in everything. Pakistan will thrive, women will feel safe and secure. Let women become a President or a Prime Minister. Why tie her hands? If Benazir Bhutto could do it and if Jacenda is doing it we too can do it. There is a lot of talent present but its undiscovered or not given an opportunity. We need to be more vocal about all the issues and problems.

Once we set platforms that are healthy and allow women to thrive and become successful many problems will diminish. Healthy debates should be fostered but more than lip service action is necessary only then we will be able to restore humanity and see our country progress!

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