FHM Pakistan

Idea of being your own boss!

The idea of being strong and independent all on your own is thrilling, a goal for modern women everywhere. But you can still be an independent woman and be in a relationship. Sure, having this title might seem to be a little challenging for some guys since they’re probably not used to dating someone who’s used to having their space and doing things solo. Still, it’s something they’re bound to be attracted to. After all, independent women don’t need anyone else to stay strong. You’re fully aware of your strengths and you’ll do whatever you can to reach your goals.

There’s no need for you to pester you friends on a group chat, hoping someone else will feign interest in going. You already bought your single ticket to Fifty Shades of Grey on Fandango and don’t need anyone else to share that popcorn with.

The average person might use the snow as a reason not to head to the grocery store. You lace up your boots, put on your winter hat, and realize that driving slow and carefully will just be a minor inconvenience if it means having fresh fruit and vegetables in the house. Of course, there are times when you’ll want to bitch and moan like everyone else, but that doesn’t stop you from completing your daily missions.

If your biological clock is ticking, she’s not using you lack of a boyfriend or husband to deter you from having the role of a lifetime – who says raising kids on your own is too hard? The independent woman will laugh at all of the old fashioned statements that a child needs a father and a mother, since you know you can be both and do an amazing job at it — even if that means you won’t have much time for anything else.

When you hang out with friends, you don’t hesitate to share your opinions on what you should do and where you should eat – and you’re so convincing that none of your friends ever second guess you. The independent woman knows what she wants in life and doesn’t waste time waffling through various options

You always make time for your friend and they trust your advice implicitly, likely because you base your advice on life experience and not just stuff you read in a magazine. While your advice might include some tough love, you’re often right. The independent woman never means to hurt someone’s feelings, but you’re definitely not sugarcoating anything.

Everything you need to do, you do yourself. You don’t depend on someone else to clean up the kitchen, pay the bills or feed the pets — you’ve created your own routine that you’ll stick by for life. People might assume you’re Superwoman, but the truth is, you’re bound to get incredibly bored without something going on.

Everyone needs a little bit of help every once in awhile, but the independent woman will use others as a last resort. You’re so used to managing everything on your own that to you, having a friend lend a helping hand might even be a little mortifying. However, you know when you can’t go it alone and have enough humility to ask for help when you truly need it.


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