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How to make your summer productive!

BY: Mahnoor Qazi

The summer season can get quite boring or unproductive for those who get their annual summer break this time of the year, mostly students in school, college and university. It’s important to make these months productive and not fall out of routine! So tackle all those tasks and chores you’ve been putting of the rest of the year and get yourself busy.  Here’s a few ways how you can make your summer productive;

  1. Try and learn a new language: Speaking more than one language is an impressive skill to have and can come in handy, and learning one can take quite a bit of your time, summer break Is the perfect time to learn with all the time one has on their hands.
  2. Volunteer: This is the perfect way to add some additional points in your resume or college applications whilst being helpful and spreading kindness, volunteer in an organization near you and keep yourself busy!
  3. Create a To-Do list: Create a list of all the tasks and chores you’ve been wanting to complete and get that list done!
  4. Enroll in an online class: Sign up for classes that interest you and learn new skills and facts! Go into the new academic year with more knowledge than before
  5.  Do Internships: This is the perfect way to enhance your skills, get an idea of the corporate world and to make up your mind on which profession you would like to follow and Of course  it looks great on college applications and resumes.

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