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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

So here I want you people to just close your eyes and deep breath for atleast 5 seconds and thinks are you independent? I know most of you would definitely say yes living in an independent state but here m not talking about being that independent .. here I am talking about are all free to do anything ? lets decide it later,,,

“Okay, now I don’t want to alarm anybody , but it’s just come to my attention ..Coco Chanel quotes that” elegance does not consist of putting on a new dress” 

I would like to talk about those women who totally give there self up to the person they are dependent and married too. Many women dream of having a knight in shinning armors and paying there bills. The part they don’t show is what happen after prince charming sweeps you off your feet. If hes paying all your bills in the castle he’ll also  be calling the shots that is when the princess stops feeling like a princess and start feeling like a servant. You would also feel like you have now become a responsibility rather than a privilege. And his attitude would ensure that you r the one hes been stuck with. As he has to provide food for 2 , housing for 2 and other payments of bill. It doesn’t take long for him to feel the added pressure and the doubled responsibility for carrying not only him self but also feeding other person.

Here its important to let him know your place your dignity. He must realise that if he mistreat you or sweep you off his feet then you would pack up n leave. Because your pride wont allow you to perceive yourself as burden on someone. He should realize that once you r been mistreated or misused you will directly look into his eyes and say “ I would sooner be flipping burgers at Mc donalds.”

For that freedom you don’t have to be rich you just have to maintain an ability to take care of yourself. Now lets Spotify an example of real life married woman Sameera she told me about her ex husband had made her feel when he was the only one working and serving his family. She recalled  “He was an MBA and an anti corruption analyst in a reputable bank earning 6 digits handsome salary. But in four year I didn’t own a coat. I felt that I couldn’t justify spending a couple of money notes on a good coat when I wasn’t bringing any money in. so I wear jackets which I bought when I was in my university or I would have borrowed his coats. But the minute I got a part time job, I felt so much better. Not only because I couldn’t buy things that freely that I could buy on my own with my money but I didn’t have to ask him for everything.”   

With context to the relevant example she now wont be listening to the two feet speech to feel herself low that “ you only have two feet. Why do you need so many shoes? There are 365 days in a year. You have 100 pair of shoes. That’s one pair of shoes for every 3.65 days. I have flip flops, sneakers,and couple of pair of work shoes. Why do you need so many shoes? Do you see shoes I have on? I have worn these every day for past two years. I don’t understand why do u need so many shoes?.. anyways”

If she were working would he give her this speech? Not likely. Again its not a question of whether he pays most of the bills, it’s a question of whether you can still stand on your own two feet and support yourself financially or not..?

In the end I would like to conclude my blog with a quote of Marlo Thomas..” one of the things about equality is not that you be treated equally to a man but you treat yourself equally to the way you treat man”…

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