FHM Pakistan

All the highlights from Fashion Pakistan Week day 2

The day two of Fashion Pakistan Week 2016 had a good start, though the energy HSY set by closing day one with a bang was missing but overall it was a good show with some disasters of course. The idea of winter festive (that we witnessed), was more like bridal couture.

Day two was started with the Hum Style Award (Demi couture) winner, Shehla chatoor. Her beautiful sleek capsule collection left the audience in awe. Her show was opened by Rabia Butt and closed by Mehreen Syed.

@iamrabiabutt for @shehlachatoor #FPW2016 #fhmpakistan #fashionpakistan

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@imehreensyed for @shehlachatoor #FPW2016 #Fashion #FHMPakistan

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@shehlachatoor #FPW2016 #Fashion #FHMPakistan

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The second designer was FNKASIA by Huma Adnan. Her collection “Midnight Garden”, was absolutely perfect. Her show was opened by Nadia Hussain and closed by two showstoppers Hania Amir and Naveen Waqar.

@fnkasia by @humaadnan #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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@fnkasia by @humaadnan ? #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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Third designer was HEM by Sunbul Asif, her fine bridal collection and some of the pieces were absolutely beautiful. Her show was opened by Fouzia Aman and closed by Rabab Ali. Her showstopper was Sumbul Iqbal.

@hem.official #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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@sumbuliqbalkhan for @hem.official #FHMPakistan #FPW2016 #fashionpakistan

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Fourth designer was Arsalan Iqbal (House of Arsalan Iqbal), Zurain Imam set the ramp on fire by walking for him.His Black and gold collection was great. The show was opened by Rizwan Ali Jaffri and Sunita Marshall and Rabia Butt closed it. His showstopper was film and Tv actor Mohib Mirza.

@mohibmirza for @houseofarsalaniqbal #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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@rizwanalijaffri and @sunitamarshallofficial for @houseofarsalaniqbal #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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Fifth Designer was Natasha Kamal. Her show was opened by Hira Tareen and closed by Rabya Chaudhry. The showstoppers were Gohar Rasheed and beautiful Aisha Rao Khan.

@goharrasheed and @aisharaokhanofficial for @natashakamalofficial #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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@natashakamalofficial #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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The grand Finale of the show was by Deepak Perwani. His Collection Ishq, left the audience astonished. The beautiful blend of colors and fine cuts and of course details are to die for. The show was opened by Ahsan Khan and Zarmeena Khan and closed by Hasnain Lehri, Shahzad Noor and Mehreen Syed, the showstopper was the beautiful Aiza Khan.

@dperwani #ISHQ #finale #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan #daytwo

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@hasnainlehri @shahzad_noor @imehreensyed for @dperwani #FPW2016 #finale #daytwo #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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Oh this #ISHQ by @dperwani gorgeous @sunitamarshallofficial #daytwo #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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@ayezakhan.ak for @dperwani as a showstopper #daytwo #FPW2016 #FHMPakistan #fashionpakistan

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