FHM Pakistan
Fashion & Lifestyle

Here’s how you can get fresh, flawless skin!

Who doesn’t want glowing and flawless skin? We all want to our skin to glow and to have a natural charm. Here are few tips which will help you maintain a flawless skin:

Real Beauty lies within:

Here's how you can get fresh, flawless skin!

It’s not a joke! How you feel outside is a reflection of how you are from inside. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Drink proper amount of water every day. Stay away from too much oil. Just by following a proper diet, you’ll notice that all your skin worries are vanishing away.

Sunscreen all the way!

Here's how you can get fresh, flawless skin!

Sun is way more dangerous to your skin than you thought it would be. So, the best way to protect your skin is to find a sunblock which suits your skin. Spread it evenly across the exposed skin, all over the body.

Do “NOT” pop your pimples:

Here's how you can get fresh, flawless skin!

Pimple popping is a big NO NO! This habit is found usually in teenage girls. Instead of disturbing them, simply leave them alone or swab them with lemon juice.

Use the magic of Aloe Vera:

Here's how you can get fresh, flawless skin!

Aloe Vera is a magic plant. You can scrub it on your face or massage it over your hairs. It does wonders. The plant has excess amount of Vitamin A, C, and E. It nourishes skin as well as keep it away from acne, pimples and blemishes.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Here's how you can get fresh, flawless skin!

Adopt healthy lifestyle. Take your beauty sleep of 8 hours every night. Run every morning and meditate at least once a week. Do not smoke. It is the biggest cause of lifeless skin.

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