FHM Pakistan

Help others in Heat

It’s getting hotter and hotter in Karachi and the afternoon’s have gotten almost unbearable. This type of weather can be quite dangerous for people who work outdoors and can be detrimental to their health. This includes our Armed forces, Police, Street vendors, Construction workers, Delivery riders and many other who have no choice but to work outdoors. On a more micro level there are small things that you can do to make a difference.

Keep a crate of water bottles in your car and every time you see someone working hard outdoors, give them a bottle so that they can stay hydrated. Secondly many fruit and vegetable street vendors are often standing in the scorching heat trying to earn a living for their families. Make a little effort and get them an umbrella so that they can have some shade while working during the day. Construction workers lose many of their essential vitamins and minerals while working during the day as due to the heat they sweat a-lot and get dehydrated. A simple DIY ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) recipe is to add 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt to 1litre of clean boiled water. This is an extremely effective and cheap rehydration solution for people who get extremely dehydrated which can at times even be fatal for them.

Further more there are many animals who can’t find clean water to drink during such heat so make sure you leave a bowl of clean drinking water outside your house for all our furry friends and leave one bowl on your roof for the cute birdies. These are the small things that you can do to make a huge difference in peoples lives.

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