FHM Pakistan
Fashion & Lifestyle

Heels versus flats. What do you prefer?

There has been a long debate on heels versus flats. Many pieces of researches show that the cost of wearing high heels is too much. The dangers include balance problems, leg pain, and aches in the ball of your foot, joints and lower back pain, difficulty in walking, poor alignment of the body and so on.

On the contrary, flats are considered safer than heels. They can be worn in any age and are the most comfortable footwear. There are no such dangers of wearing flats. But, there can be! If there’s no arch support that keeps your feet in the proper position while walking, your feet hurt like hell.

Then what to wear?

Relying completely on either of them is not a good idea. There must be a change that can keep your foot safe. Besides safety, girls always want to follow the latest trend and it is true that heels are never out of fashion. However when dressing up, whatever suits your look, go with that.

Let’s talk a little bit about heels.

High heels have been associated with confidence, perceptions, and professionalism. Wearing heels enhances personality and makes a woman look more attractive to men as well as to herself. Heels can make you look taller and smarter, which is a great advantage for girls with short-height.

The American Psychological Association found out that taller people have more confidence and better self-esteem than shorter people. In offices and in official gatherings, normally heels are worn and if you refuse to wear them, it can professionally disadvantage you.

And it is true to some extent. The sleek and stylish look actually gives you confidence, which determines your ability to progress in life. In addition, in the workplace as well as in public, wearing heels develop self-assertiveness in you. You can speak for yourself and lead men too in workplaces.

Where do flats stand?

Having a place for flats in your wardrobe is also necessary. You can’t always wear heels. In fact, many girls do wear flats with jeans and trousers and they look good. Birkenstocks, lace-up flats, nude pointed-toe flats, classic flat pumps, casual designs, etc. are good for ladies for whom comfort matters more than style.

For instance, here’s a picture where you can see that flats loafers look awesome with a shirt tucked in black and denim high-waisted skinny trousers.

Besides flat pumps, strappy flat sandals look best with a shirt and trousers as well as jeans. One good thing about flats is that there’s always a vast variety available on shops than heels. And they go with most of the casual looks. Also if you’re tall then you are lucky enough, because wearing flats is not at all a problem.

From health and fitness point of view.

When it comes to health, there shouldn’t be any compromise. Wearing both flats and heels is good, but if worn for a long time, they can lead to health issues.

Heels put extra pressure on the ankles and feet which ultimately lead to degeneration of foot’s joints and especially of the toes. They may also result in bunions which are extremely painful because their severity may turn them into sores and blisters. And remember! Bunions can only be treated through surgery.

Moreover, you are more prone to falling when in heels because the body has to work extra harder to keep balance. If the balance is not maintained then ankle strains could also happen. Hence, it is better to avoid wearing heels for so long.

On the other hand, flats are comfy as your spine is fairly straight, calf muscles are relaxed and the body- weight is equally distributed over the entire foot. Therefore, there’s such fear of poor alignment of the body or falling down.

But there are some flats which do not hold your foot in a proper position and whose soles are hard. Then it is better to avoid them because they hurt your foot and your ankles start paining.

To sum up!

Having both in the closet is essential, but on the safer side, try having pairs that are at least comfortable and suit your foot well.

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