The much-hyped drama serial Ehd-e-Wafa premiered on Sunday night and much to our expectations, it revolves around the themes of friendship, budding romances, college pranks and hostel life. The first episode was like an epiphany about just how much we lack in diversification of content in our TV dramas as finally we have a play that isn’t encircling marital life.
The dialogues by Mustafa Afridi are witty and the story depicts a new-age tale. Ehd-e-Wafa seems relatable and will definitely strike a chord with viewers who have lived in a hostel. It evokes nostalgia about good-old days and how it feels to be naïve and impulsive. However, despite giving good performances, Osman and one of his classmate do not look the part (i.e. college students). This presents the million dollar question: why actors in Pakistan don’t change their looks when they portray different characters?
Another aspect about the drama that needs fine tuning is coherence in the scenes; many of which seems unnecessary like the traffic jam scene. First episode introduces the four lead characters along with the two heroines, Zara Noor Abbas (as Rani) and Alizeh Shah (as Dua). We knew (from the teasers) that Zara is yet again playing a lively and outspoken Punjabi character (similar to what she has done in Chhalawa and Parey Hut Love). We loved her in those avatars, but we certainly hope Rani brings something new to the table in Ehd-e-Wafa as Shahzain’s love interest.
We see a glimpse of Faraz Yahya (of Alpha Bravo Charlie fame) as Saad’s father. He plays a brigadier who has high expectations from his son. It was also heartening to see many new faces and non-actors in the play. When it comes to relationships, it is usually romantic couples that grab the spotlight, but there’s something special about plays/movies that celebrate mates and Ehd-e-Wafa is exploring just that. The play is a breather that was long due.