FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

Have a look at all these Celebrities who VOTED today!

Millions of Pakistanis are flocking to polling stations to vote in the country’s parliamentary elections. Everyone seems quite excited to cast their vote today. People began voting on Wednesday at 8am local time to send 272 representatives to the National Assembly. Polls will close at 6pm. We have seen a lot of new voters this time who came out of their house to vote for a better Pakistan.

Here are some of them who shared their pictures on social media after casting their vote:

  1. Hamza Ali Abasi:

2. Urwa Farhan:

3. Mawra Hocane:

4. Hasan Ahmed:

5.Adnan Malik:

My polling station for NA 247 and PS 111 was Hampton Grammar School in Clifton, Karachi. I was there by 8 am, the polling started at 8:15. It was minorly chaotic (as all starts in Pakistan are) but there were polling agents, supervisors, lots of rangers and a few of us early bird voters. It all went by relatively smoothly and felt pretty decently sorted out. I was out by 8:35. Remember to carry your silsila number and your block code on a separate sheet. You can’t register without these 2 pieces of information. To get this info. Message your ID card number to 8300. Vote intelligently and for those you believe can achieve desired results and are in line with your value system. Pakistan zindabad! ???????? (Now I’m going to catch some zzzzz’s ????) . . . . . . #adnanmalik #elections #pakistanelections #voteforpakistan

A post shared by Adnan Malik (@adnanmalik1) on

6. Amna Baber:

Vote do #Pakistan ki khatir. #election2018????????

A post shared by Amna Babar (@amnababer) on

7. Samina Peerzada:

8. Maria B:

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