FHM Pakistan

Hamza Ali Abbasi has got a point & we stand with him

Hamza Ali Abbasi is known for his controversial statements, public enraging remarks and extremely clear political views. However, one thing we all agree on is Hamza’s on-point sense of depicting and explaining scenarios that we all miss out.

Just recently, Abbasi posted a status on Facebook, which had us all wondering. Have a look before we tell you anything more:

Hamza Ali Abbasi has got a point & we stand with him

Hamza has got a point. Right? No matter how much we all disagree with him on certain things or argue with him, this status is what had us all think on cultural infusion among the masses.

While there is no harm in wearing western clothing, but sometimes it become a bit too much to digest when Pakistan and its values are concerned. Also, if we can’t follow what we are supposed to, then we don’t have any right to criticise and rebuke those who are doing so. Even if you think that they are just being gaudy by doing so, let them do because no matter what the intention is they are doing the right thing.

Hamza Ali Abbasi with his status has definitely many eyebrows raising, but he definitely has a fact to be pondered upon. For once, we do want our celebrities to represent what Pakistan is all about. Thank you Hamza, we really appreciate it!

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