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Hamza Ali Abbasi shares video of Pakistani actors supporting Kashmir Issue

Kashmir is one dispute that no matter what happens, India and Pakistan can never settle over. While politicians and activists from both sides are mud-slinging, we have actually forgotten the plight of Kashmir and its people who are losing their lives, exceeding the humanity limit.

From time and again, people have stood up for Kashmiris and Kashmir cause and Hamza Ali Abbasi is one of them. Even after being banned by Facebook for supporting Kashmiris, he has once again boldly taken a step to demand justice for the innocents.

This time Mr. Abbasi in an applaudable step made a video showing the atrocities being inflicted on Kashmiris along with the messages from several Pakistani actors including Naveen Waqar, Fahad Mustafa, Humayun Saeed, Umair Jaswal, Shezad Roy, Momina Mustehsan, Maya Ali, Ayesha  Khan, Gohar Rasheed, Muniba Mazari, Faisal Qureshi and Sarwat Gillani.

Hamza Ali Abbasi, along with all the other celebrities who have gone vocal over the issue, surely deserves appreciation and respect. Here is the complete video;

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