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Habib Paracha — one of the few Hollywood producers from Pakistan

Habib Paracha is one of the few producers from Pakistan who is representing the country in Hollywood. His advent into production happened by chance but he is fast making a name for himself with productions starring Nicolas Cage, Elijad Wood and Margot Robbie.

Speaking at an interview about his journey Paracha said, “Around four years ago, I was in the US when a few of my friends asked me to meet some people in Los Angeles as they thought I’d be a good fit in the film/ production industry.”

After his debut as executive producer for The Trust in 2016 starring Nicolas Cage and Elijah Wood, Paracha’s Terminal released in the United States on May 11.

An avid movie aficionado since his early years Paracha says watching movies is still one of his favourite pastimes today.

The Finance and Operations Management major told Geo.tv that he did not have any experience in the film industry before Nicolas Cage starrer The Trust.

However, after making a name for himself in Hollywood so quickly, he says the number of scripts coming his way have also multiplied.

“I think with two completed titles and two more currently in the works I’m one of the bigger Pakistani producers in Hollywood.”

Although he worked with the same people for his first two projects (The Trust and Terminal) in the US film industry, Paracha shared that he is working with different people for his next two projects.

Currently, Paracha is working on two upcoming Hollywood movies, The Last Full Measure starring Samuel L Jackson and Ed Harris expected to release later this year and Strive slated for release in 2019.

Besides film production, Paracha is an industrialist, entrepreneur and food connoisseur with business ventures in Pakistan and abroad. He told a state-run private news channel that he divides his time 50:50 between Pakistan and America.

“When I’m in Pakistan my focus is largely on the businesses here and any new ventures which I may pursue. When I’m abroad I focus on films,” he said.

Shifting focus to the recently released Terminal which was directed by Vaughn Stein and features performances by Margot Robbie, Mike Myers and Simon Pegg, Paracha said, “I got involved [with Terminal] in 2016 over a lunch with Margot Robbie and Tom Ackerley in LA. Subsequently I flew to Budapest in June 2016 and spent a few days on set working with the director, cast and crew. It has been a passion project because the cast involved has been so great.”

Terminal follows the twisting tales of two assassins carrying out a sinister mission, a teacher battling a fatal illness, an enigmatic janitor and a curious waitress leading a dangerous double life. Murderous consequences unravel in the dead of night as their lives all intertwine at the hands of a mysterious criminal mastermind hell-bent on revenge.

Paracha attended the world premiere of the film in the US last week and the film is set to premiere in the United Kingdom in the last week of June.

On which of his films he is more proud of, Paracha said, “Of the two that are completed Terminal is one that I’m particularly proud of. It’s the way the film has turned out. From the lighting to the effects and the chemistry of the cast on screen.”

Delving into details regarding his upcoming projects, he revealed, “Terminal and The Trust are both based on fiction but the next project The Last Full Measure is based on a true story so I’m really excited about that and I feel it will really connect with audiences.”

When asked if he would be venturing into the Pakistani film industry, Paracha said, “I am looking to do projects in Pakistan but I have not set a fixed timeline for them as yet. I am using my current opportunity to learn as much about the process so that I’m better trained and able to leverage the skills into production in Pakistan.”

The Hollywood producer advised all Pakistanis, in every field, film and otherwise, to work diligently and honestly for what they want to achieve.

“Believe in the process and know that hard work does pay off,” he said.

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