Greasy hair is frustrating; it can feel like you have to plan your whole social calendar around washing your hair. Not being able to go out on hair non wash day because you’re desperate for a shampoo session is a very real thing!
Generally speaking, the finer your hair is, the quicker grease will build up as there’s less hair to absorb the natural oils produced by your scalp. But if you’ve ever wondered: “what causes greasy hair in the first place?” Here are some of the most common reasons.
Significant life events such as pregnancy, giving birth, puberty and menopause all see a shift in hormones, which can have a knock-on effect on the oiliness of your scalp. If you’re worried about any of the conditions above or an underlying factor that could be contributing to greasy hair, always speak with your doctor.
A sudden drop or increase in temperatures, or even a complete change of climate may see your body react by increasing its production of sebum to protect your scalp and hair. This overcompensation is to help support your hair through harsh conditions – even if it may not be the finish you want for your hair!
This doesn’t just relate to the weather outside! During winter, when we go from the cold outside to the heated indoors, this change in temperature can cause our body to react and you might notice your hair becomes a little greasier quicker during the winter months.
Whether it’s a sunhat in summer or a beanie in the colder months, wearing head gear’s likely to spur greasiness on the scalp. Why? Because you’re trapping the natural oils your scalp produces (and adding additional heat to the environment), while pushing hair toward the scalp, increase the chance of oiliness spreading. Hats also flatten the hair, making the appearance of oil more obvious.