FHM Pakistan

Gluten Free Diet

Is gluten free diet the new diet?
Gluten free diet strictly excludes gluten, which is a protein found in food such as protein, barley, rice and rye. Gluten free diet is usually followed by people with coeliac disease which is an autoimune response that causes the body to attack the small intestine, resulting in body pain, nausea, bloating or diarhea. It is absolutely necessary for people suffering from coeliac disease to follow a gluten free diet for the rest of their lives as consuimng gluten can result in all the side effects mentioned above.
Moreover, Gluten free food can also aid to losing weight because they also cut out on alot of processed food and refined carbohydrates that contain gluten.
Following a gluten free diet can make a person miss out on all all the nutrients in whole grains, which can be very important for a person containing any heart disease or diabetes, as whole grains can help lower cholestrol and maintain the blood sugar.
The best way to start a gluten free diet is to gradually stop consuming highly processed food by replacing it with fruits and vegetables so that your body gets all the nutrients required to cater all the needs of a human body.

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