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Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

There is this never-ending debate that who is better; Girls or Boys? From centuries, both the genders are busy fighting over the place they have got.

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Though this fight has turn intense with no ends, we have some pretty serious reasons on why girls will always be better than boys. Sorry, if we hurt the male chauvinism here!

Better At Grades:

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Duh! As if you already didn’t know that. Girls are way better than boys when it comes to studies and matters of intellectual perspectives in school lives. They are better learners and outsmart boys in scholarly studies. Some researches have even showed that girls tend to be more good in making award-winning and record breaking computer games. So, the next time somebody undermines you in academic, just tell these guys girls are way better than they ever could be!

Women Are Better Bosses:

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Yes, you heard it right! Women are definitely better bosses than men. Even if it hurts your male ego, women tend to make better bosses than men and have better control with the ability to make rational decisions. They can be your best boss or your worst nightmare. Even if they are your sub-ordinate, they are good at playing the bosses!

Daughters Care More For Their Parents:

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

No science here, daughters care way more for their parents than their sons. In the long run, they are always there to take care and look after their needs, even when not together. On the other hands, men tend to be more selfish and needy when it comes to their families.


Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Girls have abilities and power to be busy at multiple places at once. If a married woman; she can deal with kids, husband’s demands, Mother-in-law’s tantrums, and household chores all at once. On the other hand, the only thing men are good at is dump themselves on bed after a 9-5 job, while women are working all day long. Sigh!


Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Women have deadly charisma, at one moment you will meet them and at the next, you will be head over heels in love with them. Whenever a woman sets out to do something, all eyes turn on her. Men will never have this sort of charm even if they tries to. She has that aura, that poise, which when done to the fullest may leave you awe-struck!

They’ll Never Let You Win:

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Women will never let you win an argument. They talk too much and all they need is a topic in which they can confront you and will leave you convinced to the core. Even if you are not convinced, they will never give you a chance to have any argument.


Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Don’t even get me started on this one. There is no way boys can ever be better in organizing and sorting out their life together. Be it their personal chores or their everyday life, girls will always be better. While, on the other hand, boys will always be boys!

They Can Conceive:

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

When it comes to birth, no matter what women tops this list. No other argument or point needed on why women are better than men. They can give birth, they spend nine months of their life keeping someone inside them, they go through a tortorous labour pain to produce idiots like you. Even after those nine months, they spend years and years nurturing you, taking care of you and spend countless nights awake whenever something happens to you. What could be more defining than the aspect that paradise lies beneath the feet of women (mother).

So, all the boys out there, are you ready with your arguments on why men are better than women? I know you’ll be left with mouths hanging open, because your male ego would have never allowed you to confess that women do have superpowers.

Girls will always be better than boys! Here are the reasons. . .

Tryin’ hard to come up with a response? Well, boyses best of luck with that. Because, who rule the world?

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