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GG defends her ‘Cleopatra’ casting.

Hollywood actor Gal Gadot was recently announced to play the lead in an upcoming biopic based on the life of Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. Her casting as Cleopatra immediately drew the ire of netizens who went on to criticize the director Patty Jenkins.
Jenkins was accused of ‘whitewashing’ after casting a white Israeli woman to play such a role with people suggesting the part be given to an African or black actress instead.

In a recent interview, Gadot has gone on to address the criticism and defend her casting in the role.

“First of all, if you want to be true to the facts, then Cleopatra was Macedonian,” Gadot said. “We were looking for a Macedonian actress that could fit Cleopatra. She wasn’t there. And I was very passionate about Cleopatra.”

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